Strategic Global Intelligence

Know what is happening on the ground. SCIA’s team of intelligence analysts provide intelligence reports that will assist you in taking proactive safety measures, making informed decisions, and most importantly help you ensure the security and safety of your most valuable assets. The reports provide critical intelligence information and assessments, integrating deep local knowledge by ground contacts, social networks and traditional media.

We emphasise concise and timely reporting with a focus on solid assessments and practical recommendations in order to support your Business Continuity and Travel Security. Our analysts triangulate and assess information from local press, blogs, social media and reliable ground sources, in order to have a full overview of events.

Our reports and assessments are not solely focused on security but on a wide range of events affecting Business Continuity such as terror attacks, natural disasters, armed conflicts, health hazards, civil unrest and emerging militant groups and social movements.


  • Travel and Itinerary Reports and Planning
  • Country Specific Intelligence
  • Daily and Weekly Strategic Alerts
  • Intelligence Reports
  • Disaster and Terror Alerts

For information on SCIA’s Strategic Global Intelligence services, call us on 1300 00 SCIA (1300 00 7242) for an obligation free consultation.

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